Cosplay inspired by Gal Gadot's character, Wonder Woman, from Wonder Woman (2017) and Wonder Woman 1984 (2020).
No copyright infringement intended. I do not make any money from this website. Makers marks are never cropped from images. All images found on pinterest.
Conclusions from Character Study
Leather bodice. Black base, reddish brown panels that are shaped over the base, and gold top and bottom band. Top band in the shape of an eagle, bottom band in the shape of a W, both quite detailed. Side seam with a V shaped centre back
Leather skirt, multi-layered. Shapes correspond with the W at the bottom of the bodice. Strip of gold along the bottom of the main 'flaps'
Hand wraps, headpiece, armband, braces, whip, shin/knee guards, shield
Patterns Used
Simplicity 8185 - DC Comics Bombshells corset pattern with altered back and side closure instead of back closure
Red/brown and gold sections are all home drafted to fit the base pattern created
Red/brown section was influenced by designs and detail images available online
Skirt pattern was a home drafted pattern based off the shape from the bodice
Braces were home drafted. Whip has been made using a lucet (cordmaking tool)
Work Flow
Step One: Creating the Bodice
I used corset pattern 8185 to create the black base to use as a foundation.
The base is made from black vinyl, sewn together with thick jean thread, each seam has been topstitched so that the vinyl would sit flat.
By following detail images found online, I created the pattern for the red/brown design and the gold/silver top and bottom bands. The red/brown sections I drew onto the base with tailors chalk and used that as a placement guide.
The top and bottom design was cut out of black vinyl then spray painted gold and silver respectively.
The red/brown design were cut out of burgundy vinyl and then with a fabric marker of the same colour, the edges were 'coloured in' to hide the white backing showing through where the vinyl was cut.
The detail pieces have all been stitched onto the base with clear nylon thread in an attempt to hide the stitching.
Finished stitching all the panels to the base bodice.
I decided to do eyelets and lacing for the closure, as it gives some leeway into the fit. I wanted to be able to take it in or let it out as required.
Currently under construction.
Step Two: Creating the Skirt
Not yet in process, bodice not completed.
Step Three: Creating the Armbands/braces
By following detail images found online, I created the pattern for the armbands/braces.
I made these from thin foam bought at the local emporium. The foam makes them easy to curve over my arms.
First, I cut out my required pieces, the base and the design details. These were then base painted black, once dry, they were painted either silver or gold.
The gold strips were super-glued to the silver base. I then used a ruler and vivid to create the 'outline' effect.
I created two slits on the 'outer' side of the braces. In which I have slipped in two strips of brown foam to use as the straps.
On the 'inner' side of the braces, I have inserted paper pins. On this side of the straps I made a small split that can be slipped over the paper pin to secure the braces.
Finished braces
Step Four: Creating the Whip
I have used a lucet to create a square braid out of gold twine for my whip.
Currently under construction.